3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
Your property is at
10 Hilly St, Mortlake NSW 2137
Use the fob to access the entrance
Entry the building and go straight to the end,
You can see lift
Take lift to level 3
,turn right and right again,the unit 302
is on your right side
Use the key to entry the unit
When you arrive the building , you can see the mailbox on right side
Open mailbox 302 by code : 101
After put the code, turn right to open the mailbox
You will get a set of key
The parking entrance isNext 13 Bennett St Mortlake, NSW
Drive in to Hilly St,go stright and turn right at Edwin St,turn right again at Bennett St
The parking entrance is on your right side
Use the access fob
to open the gate.
The height : Max 2 m
Parking space : no. E302
(2 parking)
Garbage chute is next the lift
Please take your garbage in the bin after you check out.
*Make sure all waste is bagged, tied and put in the bin.*
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
Wash any used dishes and utensils
Clean the oven if used
Take all garbage to the bin outside
*Turn off air-condition/ heater and appliance*
*Close all the doors and windows*
Please return the key back to the mailbox 302
Please make sure it is locked.
and you are alright to go!