3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
Your property is at
11 Hassall St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Your unit is : Unit 2402, level 24
The building entrance is next to skyrise pizza cafe
Use access fob to gain access to the building
Take the lift to the level 1, then go through the gallery
And take the other lift (for residential lift) next to the gym (level 1)
To reach the floor of your property (level 24)
The key is inParramatta Convenience Delicatessen
The address is13 Hassall St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Open time: 7:00 am~10:00 pm
Ask staff for the key (1 key+1 swipe card+1 garage remote)
And show staff your Confirmation Code
If you won't come in during the time zone,
Please inform us at least one day before you're coming
Parking space : B2 ,No 2402
Height limit : 2.2m
After parking, you can take the lift directly to reach the floor of your property (level 24)
The garbage chute is in the opposite way of the hall way, on level 24
Please ensure all waste is bagged, tied.
And put it in the bin after you check out.
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
Wash any used dishes and utensils
Clean the oven if used
And you are alright to go!
Return the key to Parramatta Convenience Delicatessen (Open at 7 am) ,and give back to staff
★ If you leave before 7 am, please leave the key in the kitchen ★
And take photos to us