3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
Sunset and sunset 5G
Your property is at
10 Atchison St, St Leonards NSW 2065
Your unit is unit 1809, level 18
Use the fob to access to the building
Take a lift to Level 18
Open the unit door with key
After leaving, always lock the door with a key as it does not lock automatically.
★ Please use the key to lock the door ★
The padlock is placed on the white railing in front of the building
Please refer to the following photos to locate it
Open the padlock with code: 9010
The garbage room is on the same floor
Please take your garbage in the bin after you check out.
Make sure all waste is bagged, tied and put in the bin
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
Wash any used dishes and utensils
Clean the oven if used
Simply leave all keys back to the padlock
★Please be sure to return the key to the padlock to avoid any fines★
and you are alright to go !