3:00 pm onwards
10:00 am
Your property is at
8 Kingsborough Wy, Zetland NSW 2017
Your property is level 4, unit 1413
Use the fob
to access the building entrance
And find the building E4
,use the fob to access the gate again
Take the lift to level 4
Search for 8 Kingsborough Way to locate Building E4.
Once there, find the mailbox 1413
Open the mailbox 1413 with code: 030
Your parking space : B2 No.232
After entering the parking entrance, drive straight to Level B2.
Once on B2, turn left and continue to the end, then turn left again.
Look for lift E4
, which will take you directly to Level 4.
The garbage disposal is located next to the lift
But only regular waste should be discarded here
Recycling bins are located on Level B1.
Please note that improper disposal of garbage is monitored by cameras.
Any violations may result in significant fines.
Dispose of waste thoughtfully to avoid penalties
Please ensure all waste is bagged, tied
And put it in the bin after you check out
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
* Wash any used dishes and utensils*
* Clean the oven if used *
★★ Simply return all keys and fob to the mailbox 1413 ★★
Please unscramble the code after lock it properly
and you are right to go!