3:00 pm onwards
10:00 AM
The property is atTowel 3,Level 12,Unit 31203, 1 Cordelia St, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Use access fob ( black oval shape) to gain access to the building and lift
If you can not connect internet
Please check the cupboard in the living room,
Turn off and on the power of the router and try to connect it again
The building entrance (Towel 3) is at 29 Boundary St
Next to parking entrance
For the first time
You’ll need to follow someone with access to enter
Enter the building, turn right
, and locate the mailbox room.
Find mailbox 32103
Please open padlock 1
Open the padlock with code: 9180
There are one key and one fob in there
Please remember to unscramble the code after lock the padlock back
Tag the machine with the fob
to enter the parking place
Find your parking at P1, No.453
After you park your car,follow the photos to find the lift
Use the fob to sense the machine near the door and get in the lift
Barbage chute is opposite unit 31207
Out the Lift and turn right and turn right
Please ensure all waste is bagged, tied.
And put it in the bin after you check out.
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
* Wash any used dishes and utensils*
* Clean the oven if used *Simply return the whole set of key to the mailbox 31203 padlock 1
and you are right to go!