3:00 pm onwards
10:00 AM
Your property is at Unit 902, Level 9, 23 Mackenzie Street, Melbourne
There are 2 steps
to access the unit.
1. Get the Fob from the mailbox
2. Unlock the digit door lock to access the room
Enter the building entrance
Find the mailroom and mailxbox 902
Open the mailxbox 902
with code:023
Unscramble the code to unlock mailbox 902
You will get the fob from mailbox.
Use access fob (black Oval shaped) to gain access to the building and for the lift
Unit door is using digit lock with code: 0612*
Follow below steps to unlock the unit door
Step 1: Put your palm on top of the digit door lock
Step 2: Press the 2 random number show up
Step 3: Press 0612* to open the door (don't forget *)
It is near the lift
Please follow the sign to get to the garbage room
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
* Wash any used dishes and utensils*
* Clean the oven if used *Please return the key to the mailbox 902
and you are right to go!