3:00 pm onwards
10:30 am
Please go to the shop "Mr. Rhino Supermarket" to pick up the key.
(Keys are to be collected and returned at Mr. Rhino Supermarket)
The Shop: Mr. Rhino Supermarket
Address: 361 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne
Opening Hours: 10 AM–3 AM
Return the keys to the shop after 10 AM
Opening Hours: 6 am-10 pm.
Please ensure all waste is bagged, tied.
And put it in the bin after you check out.
Call 000
When seriously injured / urgent medical help
Life / property is being threatened
Witnesseda serious accident / crime
* Wash any used dishes and utensils*
* Clean the oven if used *
When checking out, please leave the key back to the shop (Mr. Rhino Supermarket).
Please return the keys to the shop after 10 AM.
(Opening Hours: 10 AM–3 AM)
Remember to scramble the password after retrieving the key.
and you are right to go!
Thank you for choosing us
and we wish you a pleas ant stay!
Customer Care| KozyGuru
Thank You | Kozyguru Management | EnjoyYour Stay