3:00 pm onwards
10:00 AM
Your property is at243 Franklin St, Melbourne
Unit 409, Level 4
Use access fob (black Oval shaped) to gain access to the building and for the lift
Go to level 4
, turn right.
Find room plate 409, on your left-hand side.
Go to 224 A'Beckett Street West Melbourne
(City Mart Melbourne Plus Asian Grocery)
Store opening time is 24 hours
Ask Staff member for padlock 9
Open the padlock withCode: 1150
Scramble the code to lock padlock properly after take the key out.
It is near the lift
Please follow the sign to get to the garbage room.
Use right one on the wall for general waste
*Make sure all waste is bagged, tied and put in the bin.*
Call 000 when
seriously injured / urgent medical help
life / property is being threatened
witnessed a serious accident / crime
* Wash any used dishes and utensils*
* Clean the oven if used *Please return the key to the padlock.
and you are right to go